Your homemade website in the web design of the TU

PHP library 'rhrkTemplateTools'

The "rhrkTemplateTools" is a PHP class that implements the corporate design of TU KL (from TYPO3) into any dynamic or static HTML page.

If you would like to use the design of the TU websites or the subject area websites in your own, self-created websites, this class can be used to build the current TYPO3 template around any content. The template is downloaded at a freely definable interval from the TYPO3 template server and cached locally, so that the daily updated template is always available.

To further customize the template to your own needs extensive changes can be made.

The current version is available via GIT or can be downloaded directly via GIT's web interface:


Lukas Reinhardt

Room: 34/218.1

Mobile: 0631/205 2165

Please contact us via the ticketsystem (please tell us your RHRZ-account).