
The open-source kanban board Wekan allows a card-based task and to-do management. A Kanban board is an agile project management tool that can be used to visualize tasks and optimize workflow.

Wekan allows to create Boards, on which Cards can be moved around between a number of Columns. Boards can have many members, allowing for easy collaboration, just add everyone that should be able to work with you on the board to it. You can assign colored Labels to cards to facilitate grouping and filtering, additionally you can add members to a card, for example to assign a task to someone.

Select the authentication method (Authentifizierungsmethode) LDAP. Then you can log in (Anmelden) with your RHRZ account name (without "@rhrk.uni-kl.de") and your password.

This service is provided by RHRZ without support or availability guarantee.

What is required to use Wekan?

  • Access to the RPTU network (LAN, WLAN, VPN)
  • End device (PC, laptop etc.)
  • RHRZ account